Are you ready to rock?

Mike and Roscoe, my companions on my visit to Hickory Run State Park, weren’t prepared for Boulder Field. Mike, the friend holding the camera, was impressed with the 16 acres of glacial moraine deposit. What Roscoe thought I cannot say. Then again, he’s a dog.

Boulder Field impresses the visitor, and it helps that there’s a sense of drama to viewing the rocks. There’s little to tip you off to what you will be facing. Hiking towards it on a trail or walking from the visitor parking area you may notice a few more rocks amid the trees and undergrowth. Then through a break in the trees you see a patch of rocks. But its not until you get to the edge of Boulder Field that you realize “hey, this place is BIG.”

One goal I have is to cross the field. As you can see, that’s a lot of rock hopping. I didn’t attempt it this visit. Neither did Mike or Roscoe. Another goal is to hike the Boulder Field Trail, which is seven miles round trip. Perhaps on my next visit to Hickory Run?